We’re Building another RWB
I'm very happy to announce that our second-ever RWB project is currently underway.
If you've just recently started following us, click HERE to see our last RWB project.
In-depth video walkthrough of where we're currently at!
I hope you enjoyed the video! This time we are going to document things a lot better; the disassembly, the painting, the interior installation and of course when Akira Nakai shows up early next year!
What do you think of the current setup? Would you change anything?
Look at it, remember it, because it's going to receive a MASSIVE transformation.
With paint-samples recently approved, are now going into the painting-phase of this project through ABE Bodyworks. Everything will be stripped and painted; door jambs, door sills, engine bay, under the hood, everything. While the interior will be completely stripped in preparation for a complete overhaul and modernization.
We're super excited to take you along this journey with us! Stay tuned for lots more on our next Porsche RWB.
Have a great weekend,
- Ali Ushak, CEO.